Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Gathering 2011 Writing Project

The Gathering, July 14-17, 2011 is coming soon, but perhaps not soon enough for some of us. The theme “Physical and Metaphysical Home: Memory, Grace and Structure” offers much fodder for those with an active imagination.

With the intention of enjoying and connecting with each other prior to those anticipated days in July, let's write a short story together.

How it works:
1.      Respond to the prompt below by posting a comment on the Gathering Facebook Fanpage.
2.      Read the responses others have posted there and click on “like” for the ones you like the best
3.      After a review period we will close for voting and amend the story with the most popular selection, adding it to the text body (on the Gathering blog) 
4.      The next prompt for input is posted for commentary. (rinse and repeat and soon our shared story has emerged!)
5.      If you have feedback for how to make this work better or editorial suggestions as we go along not specific to the initial prompt, email here.
Some loose guidelines:
1.      Responses should be your own text, not excerpted from others’ published works.
2.      Please select the topic and wording that are respectful to others and reasonably “Facebook”.  
3.      Restrict your response to no more than 1 paragraph.

Let's start with this intro (append where indicated below)
 Adele was in the bedroom of her prim house in Conneticut, sorting through her closet and chest of drawers. She was preparing for a much-anticipated road trip with her best friend.  Even though this travel was planned months in advance, her packing was a last minute rush job. Even in the summer it was impossible to pack light when spending a few days in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The weather changes so much within a few hours, especially up in those endless mountains.
She found the duffle bag on wheels in her son Eric's room. He left it behind from his college sports days. It was just right for this type of adventure. Shorts, long pants, capris, flip flops, wedge heels, walking shoes, trench coat, sleeveless blouse, quarter length boat neck tee, cardigan - that bag could hold it all. 
 Janet, her companion on this trip, was the type who was always punctual. Adele expected her to arrive any minute, proudly displaying her new hybrid car. They were off to another writer's conference. Now that they were retired, these had become a tradition. They both found it a fun way to tour the highways and byways, meet interesting people and see their favorite authors up close.  But the conference in the sleepy town of LaPlume was the one where they met 8 years ago and it had a nostalgia to it. They looked forward to it more than others.
Add to the story here by posting a response on the Gathering FanPage Here: Janet arrives 15 minutes late, something unusual has happened to her on the way. What was it?